
Improving public safety, city services, infrastructure, and more.

Improving Public Safety

Everyone deserves to feel safe in Kent. I’m committed to public safety and reducing crime while building trust and serving with compassion.

  • Under my leadership, we were one of the first agencies in the state to implement body-worn cameras and update our independent investigation procedures for situations involving uses of force.

  • Prioritizing trust in law enforcement through community immersion and building relationships with the people our department serves and serving with compassion.

  • Continuing to seek investments for mental-health professional co-responders as well as de-escalation training and non-lethal tools and methods.

  • Balancing accountability with compassion through our crime prevention and community education programs, including partnerships to reduce gun violence for at-risk youth.

  • Supporting our Police Department with the funding and resources that they need to protect Kent residents while being as transparent as possible.

Expanding Infrastructure & Transit

Leveraging regional funding to attract even more investments into Kent's developing infrastructure and accessible transit options.

  • Leveraged our regional influence to secure funding for the expansion of light rail in Kent with the link extension and new Kent-Des Moines Station, currently under construction.

  • Led historic capital improvements to improve traffic flow and reduce traffic times through the completion of a new East to West corridor with the bridges on 224th and 228th streets and the 4th & Willis roundabout.

  • Adopted apprenticeship utilization laws to encourage skilled labor on construction jobs, employing residents with living wage jobs while continuing to invest in our roads, sidewalks, bridges and neighborhoods.

  • Proceeding with historic development downtown, adding commercial buildings, quality residential living spaces and improving our sidewalks and pedestrian crossings.

  • Continue seeking Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) opportunities to create a pedestrian-friendly urban environment that is distinct, sustainable and attractive.

Keeping Public Spaces Clean

Making investments to clean up and maintain our public spaces through litter picking, graffiti removal and robust code enforcement.

  • Continuing to invest in litter picking, graffiti removal and code enforcement, including immediate and sustainable long-term solutions.

  • Continuing the Mill Creek Canyon Revitalization Project, a historic initiative clearing trash and waste from the Mill Creek Canyon Park on East Hill.

  • Reaching out to homeless residents, treating them with compassion and connecting them with social services and programs that will help them get back on their feet.

  • As mayor, I moved our Code Enforcement division into our Police Department to more effectively hold property owners accountable so they follow our local laws on trash and dumping.

  • Supporting volunteer-led litter and pollution removal programs like Adopt-A-Street, hosting more residential recycling collection events and cleanups.

Expanding Options for Housing

Ensuring diverse zoning and housing options that are affordable for all income levels and all household needs in Kent.

  • Preserving existing affordable housing options in Kent while minimizing and mitigating displacement, particularly for mobile home parks, low-income and multicultural groups.

  • Investing in middle housing, multifamily dwelling units including duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, cottage clusters and smaller multiplexes. (ownership)

  • Continue to invest in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and prioritize equity-based strategies which ensure equitable access to ownership and renting.

  • Continue to engage with the South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) to improve homelessness solutions, regional collaboration, cost savings and consistent land-use policies.

  • Adopt code amendments to streamline development regulations for middle housing and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) while increasing development incentives.

Smart Budgeting & Spending

Eliminating wasteful spending and budgeting responsibly to sustain our immediate recovery and long-term stability, ensuring your tax dollars are spent locally.

  • Continue partnering with regional organizations to secure state and federal grant funding.

  • Ensuring we position our city budget to be sustainable long-term and prevent the need for personnel reductions or cutting back on services in the future.

  • Considering the overall health of the economy, our revenue, expenditures and investments to grow a healthy fund balance supporting our strategic goals.

  • Prioritizing our existing funding to ensure our departments and staff have the resources they need to deliver high-quality public services and programs to residents.

  • Fighting back against tax increases and ensuring we maintain local control of newly-imposed taxes by the county and state.

Increasing Transparency

Keeping you informed about what the city is working on through regular updates while providing direct access for questions and concerns.

  • Continue expanding our public communication efforts through social media, email, public notices, and civics courses like Kent 101 and more to keep you informed of what we’re working on.

  • Maintaining our frequent schedule of weekly streams, video updates, town halls, public comment periods, neighborhood meetings, and presence at community events.

  • Recruiting diverse perspectives to our local Boards & Commissions to ensure the advisory role they play helps us consider the lived experience of multicultural and multilingual communities.

  • Empowering you to hold your local government accountable with frequent public information about ongoing projects, services and programs.

  • Completely rebuilding our city website by March 2021 to make it easier to find what you need, improving accessibility and navigation

Empowering Innovation

Supporting our businesses, microenterprises and industries while capitalizing on our regional innovation and competitiveness.

  • Continue positioning Kent as a global aerospace, advanced manufacturing and distribution cargo hub with a long legacy of innovation—we’re critical to nationwide supply chains and global trade.

  • Continue investing in workforce development to ensure Kent is a top competitor to attract highly skilled and specialized workers as well as cutting-edge businesses and industries.

  • Attract good-paying jobs to Kent while improving our commercial and industrial spaces to bring scalable employers and opportunities for residents.

  • Open doors for businesses to access capital and markets, help unemployed residents transition to available jobs, allocate discretionary funding for long-term, scalable investments in Kent.

  • Ease our permitting requirements and make them more accessible to promote our start-up economy, entrepreneurial spirit and business-friendly climate.

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